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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Exciting Puzzle Game

Catching up with friends, gossiping, chit-chat, munching snack food, sipping colas and playing puzzle games can be a perfect time pass. Whenever, I get-together with my close buddies, besides rocking music, DJing and all the eating stuff and drinking's puzzle games that are a must-have.

Puzzles are mind-teasers, mysterious riddle, that are simply so cool. Even in the most fun-filled moments, these logistical and mathematical problems test our limits. The whole idea behind puzzles is not just to show and boast about, how good you are in problem-solving, but to engross and sharpen your senses. It helps your brain gain momentum, which has been dormant and rusting by mugging the lines of text books.

When I and my friend sat next to each other in a party, we both decided on playing a Jigsaw puzzle. We had this, 25 pieces of a picture and we had a bet, that one who will complete this picture first will be declared winner and the loser have to take group of our seven friends out on a treat.

It was my turn, first so I collected all the pieces and spread it evenly on the floor. I thought of whose picture it can be. Then, started putting pieces on the board one-by-one in a logical way and just within in 2 minutes it gave me a hint, its some kind of animated character. My guess was right it was a picture of a “Mickey and Minnie Mouse Picture”- popular Disney Characters. I completed Jigsaw puzzle in just 3 minutes. And you know what, my friend completed the same in 5 minutes. Obviously, I was the undisputed winner and my dear friend payed a bill of one thousand rupees.

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